In many time you seen and read a one person, you seen this interview pushkar raj thakur in many place.

Sir always expand our business time to time, today sir make our 9 So welcome all of you friends in my new motivation story. Today I talk about story of pushkar raj thakur. It is first Indian that make our business in crore in age of 17 year. Firstly I say that are not belong to rich family,it is belong to middle class family all time. But our complete our dream of car and by our smart mind. He start a business in age of 16 year and only in one year. He grow our business in crore and after 5 year in 100 crore. Today in india it is best entrepreneur speaker.

In story of pushkar sir, I talk he seen a dream of very big car in age of 12 year and he always thinking our dream. Pushkar sir interest in business, so he start business in age of 17 year. He open our institute and start teaching after some time by expanding our business, he open many coaching in of 40-60 percent with teacher and start earning in lakhs in only in 7 year.

 The father of pushkar sir many times says you are mad when he says our dreams and his father says you study in engineering line and crack jee exam. But he start a business after complete of 12 exam and open coaching.

His other dream marriage our dream girl but sir dream girl is belong to very rich family after earning money. He marriage with our dream girl and money dream like his wife come with helicopter first time his home, obviously pushkar sir complete our dream. He always says….. “your family situation not decide your future, your struggle decide your future”.

0 crore business in present time, it all business control by manager and sir make our youtube channel. You know sir organized 1 million family in youtube only in 11 month. Sir going many seminars and talk about our journey, sir is a entrepreneur advisor.

Sir complete our dream in 4 year and buy BMW car for his. Many other dream sir are completed in small time and only in age of 22 year he make our 100  Crore  business .

It is very interesting story for childrens  because his complete our dream by our struggle and hardness. And he not think and hear our society and always going our best way and favourite way then he completed our dream in very small  age because after only complete school education any person create like a big business seen rarely.

 So friends you belong to middle class family and poor family . so you not fear , you decide your dream and going path of our dream. I promiss of you, one day you complete our dream. Pushkar sir love with dream girl and one day make level with girl and marriage with  our dream girl.

Your family situation not decide your future, your hardwork and your dream complete your dream . it is story for this students then interest in any other field but pressure of our family, he not chose right path and not complete our dream.

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