UMAR QUERESHI [ story to success]


TODAY I  am talk about a very motivated story about a child umar quereshi . this child is a blogger and it is a success affliate marketer. you know that in the age of 16this child monthly income.

is approx 6 lakh ,I start a story of umar, it  is a very fatty boy this reason that his society always demotivate the umar but when this age is only 12 this start a blogging you know that his make a 10 blog and unsuccess.but he not affraid he buy a domain with his birthday money and start a blog and after some time .he success and start a earning some money today his child a big blogger,big affliatemarketer and a youtuber when he success then he make a our youtube channel and after some time he success. he is only a 16 year old friends. 

 he make a very good carrer he belong to a middle class family but present he help our parents and he win a several awards and interview with india best talks josh talks and interview with satish bhaiya . ALWAYS his friend lauphinghis but he not affraid he make good future and always make a good content. so friends today i am talk about a this boy umar it is ainspire of this world because when all boy make entertainment his boy make a history, so friends when you go to good field his society always demotivate youthis is a work of his society.


so friends this small blog is end and I request you this is my new blog so please follow this blog and share.

                very very thnks for my old blog my old blog are monetise you with help of you all friends and come a large traffic in it thank you.

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